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30.040 Development

Bd. Min. 8-22-68; Bd. Min. 4-19-69; Amended Bd. 12-15-94; Amended 9-24-10.

  1. General Policies
    1. The term "gift" shall apply to any of the following: cash, securities, gifts in kind, real property, inventions, mineral rights, pledges, fractional interests, deferred giving arrangements, and bequests and devises. IRS Section 170 allows an income tax deduction for "... any charitable contribution (as defined in subsection (c)) payment of which is made within the taxable year." Subsection (c) provides that "... the term 'charitable contribution' means a contribution or gift to or for the use of..." certain types of qualified charitable organizations.
    2. The policy statements in this document apply to any solicitation effort of individuals, corporations, groups and foundations, which may or may not be related to the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ, or any of its campuses, divisions, departments or other subdivisions.
    3. The Board of Curators of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ of Missouri and the President of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ, or his or her designee, under the power delegated by the Board, are the only authorities that can accept gifts or grants on behalf of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ. The receipt of a gift or grant by an employee of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ does not constitute acceptance and is conditional, pending Presidential and/or Board acceptance.
    4. Use of Lists and other information -- Information concerning individuals, corporations, giving records, occupations, wealth, and/or alumni lists, maintained by the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ, are the sole property of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ of Missouri. This type of information is to be considered confidential, for internal use only, and not normally intended for public distribution or use, subject to applicable law.
    5. The ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ is legally and morally obligated to adhere to the terms and conditions of every gift it accepts. For this reason, campus advancement officers, along with business officers, should carefully review and consider the terms and conditions of each gift.
  2. Gifts
    1. Trusts -- The Board of Curators of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ of Missouri may be named as trustee in irrevocable trusts. The Curators are not obligated to accept any such trusts unless the trust instrument has been presented to it and the provisions thereof are approved by the Board of Curators or its designee.
    2. Acceptance -- Gifts shall be processed in accordance with stated ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ policies. The mechanics of acknowledgment and management of gifts shall be in a manner approved by the President of the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ. Receipt of a gift does not necessarily constitute acceptance. The gift shall be properly evaluated and the terms that accompany the gift shall be reviewed prior to official acceptance by the ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ.
    3. Reporting Guidelines -- Reporting of gifts shall be in accord with the National Association of College and ¾Ã²ÝÈȾòÝÊÓƵ Business Officers (NACUBO) guidelines.

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